Business opportunities for Ghana and the EU

3–4 Jul 2024 | Accra, Ghana

Isaac Batini

Projects & Marketing Manager

AGI Energy Service Centre

Accra, Ghana

1 profile visitSpeaker

We help commercial and industrial companies become more efficient in their energy use and eventually transition to renewable energy through technical supports


I am a project management and communications professional interested in sustainable industrial development. I have led the AGI Energy Service Centre's business and project development since its inception in 2019.

I coordinate the planning and deployment of capacity-building programmes for companies on various sustainability topics such as ISO 50001 Energy Management System, ISO 50002:2014 Energy Audits, Solar PV Design, Installation and Maintenance, GHG Accounting and Decarbonisation Roadmap development.

I was instrumental in the setting up of Ghana's first Energy Efficiency Network hosted at the Energy Service Centre. The EEN is made up of highly energy-consuming industries that are working towards energy savings and decarbonization.

My organisation

AGI Energy Service Centre

The AGI-ESC is a one-stop shop for renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) training and consulting services. Our services include research and training on various RE/EE topics, advisory services on RE/EE investment options, facilitating the linkage between service providers and consumers, supporting the development of business strategies for large consumers and utilities, and leading advocacy on adopting RE/EE.

We are hosted at the head office of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI).

Social media

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

15:00 - 16:00

Panel on business opportunities in Renewable energy

Location:Olympio Room (1st floor)


AGI Energy Service Centre

Private sector company

Accra, Ghana